Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Right, so, this whole "job" thing..

Sorry my human and I haven't posted in a while!
When you're not in London... things just don't seem quite so exciting.
Right now she is engaged in the oh so fun task of searching for a job. In this economic climate, I say it's better to be funemployed and just do crafts and nap all day... but hey, I'm a cat, I can do that. 

What IS cool though is her friend who has become an ESL teacher in Japan. You can follow him on here too!!!

Check him out and say that Susan sent ya (because he might be confused if you just say Zeke)

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Do babies really need shotglasses?...

...or to be married, for that matter?

Mah human was wandering around a popular big box store, and happend to stumble across this glorious find...
Notice the "ages 3+" in the bottom right corner. 
I feel that perhaps they should have reconsidered the packaging...


Sunday, April 19, 2009

Long time, no post!

Well howdy!
Now that I'm over my space cat-depression from being back home (though I do enjoy seeing Chris and my human's family) I am ready to get back into the blogosphere!

Mah human has been hogging her computer lately, now a nifty new HP netbook, and she has kept me from being able to blog. How rude!
Now though, especially since she will be graduating soon and busy all day working (we hope), I shall have free reign over the interwebs, and I am so excited!
So to start this off, I thought I would share a campus friend I have, Leo, with y'all. 

He's an awesome cat who likes to hang out on campus and occasionally follow mah human around. It makes her day when she gets to pet him before class. 

As you can see, he has been having fun... and he never runs out of scratching posts... or friends. 

Well... that's it so far. Later, I'm gonna show some more pictures around campus, especially of my crazy human and her other friends who are graduating, as they have fun during "senior week."
Tune back in soon!

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Sunday, November 30, 2008

le sigh

Le computer still does not work... Once again I am blogging from Jenica's computer. This time though, mah human recoverd her sign-in informations for her internet, so she is not wasting her friends internet.

Other than the suckadge of not having a computer, things are going okay. Mah human is not really doing her homework.... because she tries to hand-write her essays, but then her hand gets tired... And the computer lab belonging to her abroad program is only open 9-7 m-th and 9-5 friday. Thus... not very productive this weekend....

But today she went to the book signing and met Cory Doctorow... the author of such awesome books as "Down and Out In The Magic Kingdom" and "someone comes to town someone leaves town" and his most recent "little brother." She bought herself another book of his to perk her up for not having a computer.

Other than that, she made a gingerbread house today. It's cute and very bright. And then she watched the 5th harry potter movie with her friends. So yes, other than doing tons of sudoku and all that stuff previously mentioned, she's been a slacker.
Tomorrow she must do more work!!

anywho. mah human and i are gonna go read some Doctorow and then go to bed... seeing as how it's almost 3am here. oopsies

more later, hopefully

Saturday, November 29, 2008


My human's computer died. Like completely. I am blogging this from Jenica's computer. She is very nice.
So.... blogging is likely to come to a halt, seeing as how the pictures went with it. She is going to try to recover some of the information and pictures off it, but that might not happen until she is home. =/ So... oops. So sorry.

Other than that she is just going to be working (slowly) on all of her finals... hand writing them out until she can go into her program's office to use the computers when they are open. Also, tomorrow she is going to a book signing for Cory Doctorow (an editor on the blog she got that post on)

Anyways. i need to get off and give Jenica back her computer and stop using her computer.
hopefully i will talk soon

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

I'm on a blog-roll!!

So... funny story.....

My human used an automatic machine to buy her ticket into Versailles.... and instead of charging her 17 euro, it charged her 391.50..... to her credit card...
Thankfully, she got it all worked out, but for a while it was rather distressed. The picture is from when they were charging a refund....

An installation piece at Versailles..... what is it? A balloon animal?

i dunno. *shrug*

The gilded center part...
(oh so descriptive)...

A side wing with gardens.

The gardens extend for as far as you can see!

Mah human and I rented a bike and biked as far as we had seen.

I do enjoy biking...

How you doin?

Versailles was fun! Biking all through the gardens was rather enjoyable, that is, until mah human fell over and got mud on her jeans... but seeing as how that was not so fun, she didn't take any pictures.

Okay, I think that's it for today. More bloggin' later! I need to be caught up before I come home in 11 DAYS!!!!