showing her 'wino' spirit (it's her family name in tridelta) in the wine cellar at Hampton Court

susan, cait, jenica, erika, and robin taking a picture in front of a sign for the olympic party

cait, susan, erika, jenica, and robin on the Millenium Bridge with St. Pauls in the background

the girls with cool paper hats in front of the reconstructed Globe theater (Shakespear's theater)

susan sitting and waiting for the gates to open in front of Hampton Court

yeah yeah, out of order.... the girls in the wine cellar again

the group (and me!) in front of Royal Albert Hall... across the street is a statue of him

susan and cait (friends from the SU dance team) posing in front of St. Pauls

With RJ, Robin's boyfriend..

yep there's 5 of 'em...

with flags for the 2012 olympics with two teachers from Beijing.... they thought the girls were British and seemed slightly saddened when they found out they were Americans (and Canadian!)
Well today my human was rather boring.... she had to do homework ALL DAY!! maybe some more pictures soon! Happy labor day to all who get it! think of susan while she's in class alllllll day (with the same teacher no less!)