Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Making Friends!....

We face off....

nom nom nom!!!.....

Just kidding!!.... we're friends.


Anonymous said...

Hey Zeke - and Captain Ruter - have you planned anything special for your human for tomorrow? Big day, you know. I'm counting on you both!!!


Anonymous said...

OMG, thanks for the giggle! And Zeke - my apologies to Captain Ruter, please. I see I spelled his name incorrectly yesterday.

Half a gut im offer sees!

Anonymous said...

Hey Zeke - please sing to your human.....

Hippo Birdie Two Ewes
Hippo Birdie Two Ewes
Hippo Birdie Deer Ewe,
Hippo Birdie Two Ewes.

Give her a hug for us!
Mom and Dad

Anonymous said...

Howdy Zeke! Big day for your human!!
Please give her a High Five for me and sing this little song I made up for her. Okay?

Ms Suzi Q, I love you, 'deed I do!

Joy and Dancing on half for too!

Tons of love just for you!

Thanks Zeke! Grancat