So these are the pictures taken by our CAPA leader Joanna! Because of some strange issue with blogger... they uploaded in reverse order? So we will start with Scottland and go back to my second day in London....
And then of course, we will resume to our spot in Fall break!
Goodness this is getting too confusing. Maybe it's time I hired a blog writer for me...

This is the group at the end of a very rainy hike in the highlands. Jo tried to get them to do a cute jumping picture but well... it didn't work out. They were too close. As you might see, mah human has both feet on the ground! The guy in the air on the right was our wild and sexy Scotland tour guide, Martin. He was wild and sexy, and a fan of me (z). I decided not to get into the picture as it was wet and I was enjoying my slightly warmer spot in the backpack.

The group again. This time, not jumping.

The group, yet again, still in the Scottish Highlands. This was near a memorial for soldiers. As you can see on the ground in front of Liz (the one laying down) there is another blogger friend here, Knitted Kitty!

Some of the girls near the Dunkheld (sp?) Cathedral, still in Scotland.

A bit of the group plus Fosdal! Their British Life and Culture professor. He is quite the charmer.

Fosdal, an English chap posing on Brighton pier.

Part of the group on day #2 in front of tower bridge. If you look closely, you can find me!!!
(amy, kyle, jenica, erika, me!, susan, caitlin, rj, robin, and dan.)
Hooray. Thanks Jo for letting me blog with your pictures!