First stop, the white cliffs of Dover! We took the ferry from Dover to Callais on the bus for the Belgium Beer Tour. The cliffs really are white and huge, but unfortunately mah human didn't get to take pics until on the ferry.... thus ruined with industrial shmuck.
People on the other side of the ferry, cliffs, etc...
It was windy, so I chose to stay within my backpack again.
The creepiest "inspector Gadget" ride EVER. This was at a carnival in Oostend, Belgium. Weird sea side town that seems to have hit it's peak about 20 years ago.
Me at yet another beach! The big brown thing was some drain pipe they had to dig up. Strange.
hmm... there seem to be ferris wheels everywhere!
a pretty cathedral thingy.
welcome to the church of Zeke!
I think I want a sailboat. hmmm yes.
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