Tuesday, November 4, 2008

holy election batman!!!

it's election day!!!!
too bad the time change makes this difficult to watch the results are coming in... but.... WE'RE HAVING AN ELECTION PARTY!!!!

wicked red for when a red state is won

wicked blue for when a blue state is won
candy and chips all around (doritos, a good american brand) and mini-champagne (in BLUE bottles) for the results...
too bad the results will come in at about, oh, 6 am our time.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow, Zeke! Didn't realize you were such a political animal. Absence really does make the heart grow fonder. So do you plan on catching a space cat-nap before the results begin trickling in? Or has the party started already?

And your friends at the party - is everyone hoping for the same candidate? Could be interesting after a few wicked reds or wicked blues! Do you remember how many states there are? Yikes!

Have fun!