Monday, November 3, 2008

La France!

ooh look at the viaduct! it has 3 stories, and is really old. The top level is for.... water!!

the market in Cucuron...

the kitty at the pond in Cucuron. Maybe he's met space cats before?

wine vines

beautiful view! I can see why Cezanne pained here.

the pond at the center of Cucuron.

This really cool 16th cent. building. Some rich guy wanted an awesome palace so he did it in the Roman style. That's mah human's daddy reading the sign. It was in french... why isn't anything written in space cat?

really cool pediment

nice view from his party palace!

view again from the party palace.


On the beach!
I like beaches.... I've been to many now! Brighton, near Marseille, and Port Stewart! There might have even been another one in there...

Alright, that's the end of Fall Break! onward...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great shots of Susan's folks, and I love the architecture!