Sunday, November 23, 2008

soopid homework

As you can see, mah human has WAY too many finals to be doing.
She is leaving in exactly TWO WEEKS!!! and will be landing in Austin in two weeks and six hours. Her list of homework is quite long and she has been quite bad at sharing the computer. Fortunately though, she did get her Global Powers final done today! Now that means just three more final papers and two papers for her independent study.... plus catching up on her discussion questions she's not done... oopsies.

Anyways. She's been so busy she hasn't even uploaded her Paris pictures! Although this weekend was fun and busy. Friday she went ice skating at Somerset House and saturday she went to Winter Wonderland in Hyde Park. Today she just wrote her final all day, but went out for thai food for dinner.
I've just been napping and running around her room....
thankfully my carpal tunnel space paw syndrome seems to be clearing up.

Anyways. maybe soon she will have those pictures up so I can blog to my little heart's content.
byes for now

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Zeke!

So with all these final papers... does your human still have classes? And final exams too? Or are the papers sufficient? My goodness!

So glad she has been getting out. Tell her that her poster of the Cezanne exhibit was from Sommerset House. We here in America are still preoccupied with Thanksgiving, although the stores have begun with Christmas decorations. I see pumpkin pie in our future.....

Take care!