Saturday, September 13, 2008

Still not working... But Guest Blogged by Mah Human: Susan

Well, my computer is still acting up badly and I am unable to upload pictures through web browsers... My next step will be to save the pictures onto a flash drive and do it through one of my flat-mate's computers. So please, be patient! I'm trying! I want to get them out really fast too because they are piling up! Zeke is too cute.

For an update, today we went to Kew Gardens. It was beautiful and a stunningly nice day! Got some of Zeke in nature. On the way home, I split off from the group and ran over to the British Museum for trip #1. I will be popping in and doing research for a set of papers for my independent study / World Civilizations class. Today I looked at the Assyrian and Egyptian remains, as well as some of the Elgin marbles. Then I got a 2 pound ticket to watch the old movie "The Fall of Rome". I only made it half way through, but it was interesting!

Other than that we've had two interesting things happen. First is that my roommate Jenica and I have "viral chest infections". She went to the doctor and he told her that she is almost to pneumonia.... I didn't go to the doctor but figure it's just likely that's what I have. But things seem to be getting better! Other than a cough that sounds like the plague, I seem to be turning upwards.
The second fun thing was that the washer on the floor above us was shaking too much that it broke the water pipe and it flooded not one, not two, not three, but FOUR floors! Unfortunately, none of us were in our flat that time of day and people were stuck outside our flat, looking under the door, seeing water splash and move towards the door. When they got into the room water was *pouring* out of the light fixture in the ceiling where? RIGHT on top of my laptop!!!! Thankfully the lid was closed and RJ, Robin's boyfriend, got in first and was smart enough to move it, dry it off, and turn it off. So yep, I am now using a computer that has survived a whole bowl of tomato soup, dropping off a top bunk bed, and a major flooding, none of these harmful acts caused by me!! If that's not a testament to Mac computers, I don't know what is....
Thankfully I don't think anything other than a few books in each of the rooms got ruined. My computer was the only piece of personal electronics to get wet, and well, it's a zombie computer that survives everything.

Well that's it for the excitement going on over here. The rest of the weekend seems to be my 4 papers (two 3-pagers for World Civ, one 5-ish for World Civ Independent Study, and one for business) and if I feel that I have enough time, a "sightseeing cruise" on the Thames.
Hopefully there will be lots of picture updates soon! So sorry for the delay!

Zeke will be back next time,
Loves, Susan

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Zeke! Say hi to your human for me. I sure hope that she is feeling well enough to churn out those papers so that the Thames cruise happens. Wave at the Parliment Buildings for me as you go by. See if you can talk her into a ride on the London Eye - if not this weekend then sometime before you go.

Oh - and - Here's to zombie computers! A dead computer would be a major pain......
